This variety is like a cross between Maeng Da and Borneo White but I swear that it is not a mixture of any kind. It is stronger than a good Bali but is totally relaxing instead of being energizing. Great for after a long day! Triple sifted for maxium absorbtion.
Posted by Unknown on 19th Oct 2015
Fine product, Fine service! I have shared with my friends and will continue to do so.
Posted by james on 4th Jul 2015
This was my first purchase from Quick Kratom and I want to say it went very well. I will most definitely be ordering again it came quick as the name suggests and the quality is good.. I could not be more happy. Thanks guys and I'll definitely order again.
Posted by Marlk on 3rd Jun 2015
In my past experience with Kratom this strain is far better than all the rest. I really enjoy it any time of the day as it relaxes my mind when I need to think and relaxes my body de-stressing me in so many ways while still able to preform mentally and physically when required.
Posted by Extremely Relieved! on 28th May 2015
This got me off of pain killers. No withdrawal symptoms! If you have chronic pain like me, I recommended trying Kratom before you give in to the cycle of pharmacies and doctors running your life and making you feel ashamed of yourself for being born with a disease like this.
I have Crohn's disease and Colitis and this stuff works!!!! Be responsible, and get your life back! Best vendor I have tried. :)
Posted by Unknown on 18th May 2015
We've recently bought an old house 1920s fixer
With my full work week and nights and weekends spent at the house working I was having a real hard time sleeping because of the pain.
My hands were swelling from over use keeping me up at night.
No more pain with this stuff, fantastic I love it
I'm so glad this stuff is available.
Thanks, Carl
Posted by Just a guy on 26th Apr 2015
Recently I was on 30mlg of methadone and Percacetts Not to mention the dexadreen to stay awake .my close friend suggested Kratom so after my doc and I had a falling out I finnished out the painters and started detox well hell that sucked puking out the window going down the highway in front of my kids .what a mess .amongst many other things .so my friend convinced me to try Kratom .well it's been over 2 weeks and I am on the top of the world hovering in heaven .no f/&@ way I thought so in the heart of detox I tried it and went back to my sick chair to well you know .as I shook sweated and froze with my skin crawling ......Its like someone reached in and took ahold of my desease and pulled it out listen to me I'm an addict who was on OxyContin 120mlg a day able to consume up to 300 mlg in the beginning .so for goodness sakes listen .There exists in me no craving at all all ..I'm not high Im cured .the drug company's must not be aloud to control Kratom ....for it is like no other cure for puking no diarea no RLS no sleepless nights craving no longing It pissed me off when I thought of my 2 devorces and my loved ones I hurt with my addiction so now what ?live .I will enjoy life for the first time in all these years the last two weeks have in lightend me .this is my storie and I'm only skimming the surface .use Kratom responsibly.dont be stupid and cause it to be friends start living buy Kratom it took me 4ounces the pain ITS GONE!I shit you not .and I have many crushed not broken crushed bones.I don't drink take any pills not even aspirin I'm sure results very with all people .but this is my storie .Be well and get clean
Posted by M on 14th Apr 2015
I was well pleased with the quality of the Primo Indo. I gave it 4 stars only because it is only the third strain that I have tried.
PI is very relaxing, and while I would purchase it again, I will next be trying some BWV; I am curious to see if there is "one just right for me".
The vendor is the best. If this is your first time purchasing, purchase at this site; you will not be disappointed.
Posted by Unknown on 25th Oct 2014
This is far by the best I've had.I was buying from amazon my best move was trying primo indo
Posted by Ethan Kiley on 18th Sep 2014
i have moderate to severe crohn's disease.. i perforated my intestine last year, and have lived with an ileostomy since.. this product not only adds the MUCH needed fiber to my diet, but also gives incredible pain relief aswell. not only that, but the service from this site is far better, and more reasonably priced than others; like '', which is outrageously priced and poorly concerned about your money... they also threw in a free sample. thank you!! ;0